

4342 Uppsatser om Introduction program - Sida 1 av 290

Lätta människor, men svårt språk! : En studie av flyktingars upplevelse av integration.

The aim of this study was to explore refugees experiences of an Introduction program in a small Swedish municipality. The study was based on semi-structured interviews with six refugees and was conducted to explore how the Introduction program contributed or has not contributed to feelings of being integrated. Our informants have got different backgrounds but have all been forced to flee their home country to Sweden. The interview data was interpreted through earlier research, theories about social exclusion and concepts which were relevant for our study. Our study showed that the informants felt kindly received in the small municipality.

"Jag tänkte, wow vi är nästan hela världen här" : Åtta nyanlända elevers upplevelser av Språkintroduktionsprogrammet

The aim of the study is to elucidate and analyze newcomer students´ experiences of the Language Introduction program, in more detail, how the students describe their time at the program and how experiences could differ between girls and boys. Finally, the study examines how the program, according to the students, can be significant for their future. The analysis of the students´ dictums is based on the perspective of intercultural education. To answer the study´s aim and research questions, the investigation consists of eight semi-structured interviews with students who are studying at the Language Introduction program at an upper secondary school in Uppsala.The results show that the main advantages with studying at the Language Introduction program are, according to the students, that they learn the Swedish language and that they meet students with several cultural backgrounds. The main disadvantages that were noted were that the Language Introduction program takes a long time to finish, and furthermore, the contact with the students at the other programs at the school is not enough.

Introduktion av nystartade maskinlag :

The comprehensive goal in this study was to examine important factors in an introduction of a new machine team. The aim was to identify what elements should be part of an Introduction program for new machine team. The examination was done together with Stora Enso Skog. A new machine team and their supervisors where analyzed during a six month period. The evaluation was done with open interviews of the team members and their supervisors. The main question was what should be included in an Introduction program to develop a successful machine team as effective as possible? Interviews of the new team and analyses gave good indications how the procedure should be done.

Vägen till arbete? : En studie om aktivering i den s.k rehabiliteringskedjan inom sjukförsäkringen med speciellt fokus på arbetslivsintroduktion.

AbstractThe aim in this dissertation is to investigate into the working of the rehabilitation process as to actors involved. A specific focus has been set on the component ?Work introduction?. The study shows that the road back to work is a complex matter. Individuals involved have different backgrounds and living situations, which influence this rehabilitation.

En genomtänkt introduktion : En studie om vilka faktorer och metoder som påverkar introduktionen av nyanställda på företag 

The master thesis has been constructed together with Scania, who had a wish to develop their training for newly employed design engineers. The purpose of this thesis is to examine how a company's introduction process can be shaped, as the introduction is the key to success for the individual as well as the organization. With a focus on how the productivity among newly employees can increase and how the introduction becomes meaningful to the individuals and the organization, the objective of this work is to develop concepts applicable for an introduction.The work was conducted using qualitative interviews with several different individuals at Scania and other companies. Along with the interviews a survey was constructed and sent out to newly employed design engineers at Scania to get a view of their opinions on the present training. During the first period of a job there are several factors that affect the employee based on the result from the interviews, previous research and theories.

?Hur länge kan man vara i fas 3 egentligen?? : En kvalitativ studie av deltagares upplevelser av fas 3 i Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin

The purpose of this study was to examine what participants in the third phase (fas 3) of the Swedish unemployment program, Jobb- och utvecklingsgarantin, think about their situation, what they think about the program and if they feel stigmatized due to their unemployment. The data for the study was collected at one of the organizers of the program, which provides an Introduction program for the participants. A qualitative method was used and the data was collected through six semi-structured interviews. The results were analyzed using Antonovskys theory of Sense of Coherence (SOC). The conclusions of the study were that the participants felt support from the staff at the organizer.

Inskolning : En undersökning av inskolningen på 70-talet och idag

The enquiry of this work is to look at introduction to preschool in the 1970s and today. The work examines what four books, two from each time period says about introduction, and the guardian's role in their child's introduction. The study is based on three research questions:What view of introduction in preschool in the 70s does the texts show?What is the view in the texts from "today" about introduction in preschool?What view do these texts have about the guardian's role in the introduction?To find out what the texts say about these questions, the method of this work is text analysis. The attachment theory designed by John Bowlby, works as a theoretical framework for this work.The result shows that the texts from both the 70s and from today advocate a cautious introduction, where guardians are involved.

Skolintroduktion av nyanlända elever i grundskolan

This essay is a study about the school introduction of immigrant pupils in the Swedish compulsory school. The purpose if this study is to examine the organisation municipal school introduction for immigrant pupils in the compulsory school in Södertälje. The method I have used is qualitative research method which depends on interviews and analysis of documents.The result shows that the municipal is without a plan for the school introduction of the immigrant pupils and that the individual compulsory school has the main responsibility for the school introduction of the immigrant pupils. The result also shows that there is a need of increased teaching of mother tongue. There is also a need of competence development within intercultural pedagogy.My conclusions are that a municipal plan for the school introduction of immigrant pupils should increase the immigrant pupils? possibility to a shorter time of introduction to the compulsory school..

Inskolning på förskolan : Undersökning av två inskolningsmetoder

When the introduction starts for the child and their parents it holds many emotions. There are many emotions involved in the first meeting between preschool and home for both the children and their parents. So my purpose with this study is to focus on two introduction models educators at my selected preschool works by. The purpose of my study is to focus on the two introduction models that are used by educators at my selected preschool. I ´m going to view this two models by examining how the educators prepare before the introduction starts and look at their point of view.

Första mötet med förskolan : en kvalitativ studie om olika inskolningformer på fyra förskolor

This is a qualitative study with four interviews, in four different preschools, in the same municipality. By making it so, it becomes a case study to describe a phenomenon in a municipality which also is the definition for this investigation. The purpose of my study is to examine what it means, in a municipality, to have different types of introduction at preschool. Where I ask the question why preschools choose to have a specific method of introduction and what are the basics and ideas behind the choice of the method? What significance do these different methods have to attachment theory? What do teachers think about the advantages and disadvantages with their choice of method?The versions of introductions are many and may vary; the duration of the introduction may vary from 1-3 days up to 3 weeks.

Introduktionen - en interaktiv process : En kvalitativ studie av en introduktionsprocess för nyanställda på ett fastighetsbolag

The aim of this essay is to examine the experiences of an introduction process of newcomers through an integrative perspective, by two guiding questions: How does the examined organization socialize newcomers? How is the organizational socialization experienced by the employees? Most Swedish corporations engage in some form of workplace introduction and this introduction should give the newcomer an understanding of his work and its relation to the organizations other business practices. Earlier studies have mostly focused on the effects of socialization tactics but few on the experience. This study, based on qualitative interviews with a regional manager, newcomers and established employees shows that the studied organization socializes its newcomers through many socialization tactics where the newcomers? personality and previous knowledge allows to direct the socialization process.

Matchmaking på organisatorisk nivå : ? om samverkan mellan kommunala introduktionsenheter och frivilligorganisationer

AbstractMatchmaking on an organisational level? about co-operation between municipal introduction-units and voluntary organisationsEssay in Political Science D, by Rebecka Johansson, spring 2006The aim of this study is to examine co-operation between municipal introduction-units, which work to integrate newly arrived immigrants and refuges, and voluntary organisations in Sweden. The essay is a comparative case study which examines three local authorities and the main questions are;- Do voluntary organisations constitute a functioning co-operation partner to the municipal introduction-units? Are there conditions for future co-operation?The answer to the questions is that there are no, or rarely any, co-operation between voluntary organisations and municipal introduction-units. It is difficult to judge whether there are conditions for future co-operation.

Utvärdering av ett optimeringsprogram för produktionsplanering.

The aim of this thesis is benchmarking of the program, based on dynamic programming, that earlier was written to imitate the production planning at TSS.This thesis starts with a chapter about the construction of the DP-program, a shorter description of one and each of the program parts and also a list over the in- and output data in each program part. The DP-program consists of six linked MATLAB-files that together produce an optimized production plan for the different planning groups at TSS. The program reads in and reformat the given data and optimize the production of the articles in one group. Finally it compounds all article production plans and give us a production alternative.After running the program with new data the result shows, resembling with previous results, that TSS could be able to make some distinct cost-savings. According to the program, a 50 % decrease of TSS production costs is possible. .

Introduction of heifers to an automatic milking system

Automatic milking systems (AMS) are part of a growing trend in Sweden and the number of milk-producing farms is decreasing rapidly. One main reason for the AMS is its ability to facilitate work for the farmer. The effects of introduction prior to calving have not been documented earlier and farmers are not in agreement, however they seldom see a problem with the introduction. The aim of this report is to find differences between two groups of heifers, where one group is trained i.e. introduced to the AMS before calving and the other group is introduced after calving.

Folkbibliotek och TV-spel: En kvalitativ studie av hur införandet av TV-spel på svenska folkbibliotek relaterar till införandet av andra nya medier.

The aim of this thesis is to study how the recent introduction of video games in Swedish public libraries compares to past introductions of other medias, namely music records, sequential art, manga (Japanese comics), and films on video. In what ways does the introduction of video games differ from the other examples of introductions and in what ways are they alike? In what manner have the medias been introduced? How does the librarians views on video games differ from their views on other medias? The purpose of doing this is that by investigating how new medias have been evaluated in the past, we might gain an understanding of how the introduction of video games links into that tradition. Theoretically, this thesis is grounded in Sanna Talja?s theory of the interpretative repertoires of the music library.

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